KCBS Backyard Contest
The 2025 Cameron Elks Lodge #2615 BBQ Cook-Off will be held at Cameron Elks Lodge #2615 (9018 NE Hwy 69, Cameron, MO 64429
July 11-12th, 2023
You do not need to be an Elks member to enter!
Double same day Backyard.
A Turn ins will be at 12:00 and 12:30
B Turn ins will be at 2:00 and 2:30
You do not have to do both contests. At registration choose one or both
-15 amp power will be available to the first 10 Backyard teams signed up.
-100% payback after expenses. Total prize fund is dependent on team count. Payout of each contest is projected to be $2k+
-Payouts will be awarded to the top 1-3 overall winners and the top 1-5 in each category. The final payout structure will be determined by the teams. We will call the top 10 winners.
-Water and Ice will be available.
-Join us for a Friday night KCBS Rib Contest with a 100% payback after expenses! The entry fee is $50, and the payout for 1st place is expected to be around $1000.
-Most spaces are on grass, with the majority located in shaded areas. If you're unfamiliar with KCBS rules, please refer to www.kcbs.us for more information.
-The Friday night Rib Contest sign-ups can be made at the contest also.
-Entry fee is $150 per contest + any extra ancillary categories you choose